Touching lives today.
Saving lives tomorrow.
Providing resources to families and organizations committed to treatment and training to stop America’s violent youth from future violence toward people or animals by promoting healthy attachments
Our Purpose is Three Fold
Educating the public to understand and prevent the causes of children becoming violent, especially Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD).
Facilitate training for Mental Health Professionals to become more effective in helping to heal children with a history of violence toward people and animals.
Provide financial help for families seeking effective treatment for their violent child or to attend a Family Bonding Camp.
These are our goals for SAVY. We cannot do it alone. We need your help!
Donate Now

Our Commitment
- A child without a conscience is capable of anything.
- There are an estimated 800,00 children in the United States with attachment disorders. Let's get them help!
- Attachment disorder is one of the conditions that affect conscience development. Let's re-build it!
- Most school shooters were cruel to animals before they turned that cruelty on humans. Let's stop them earlier!

It Takes a Village
With your support we can reach families struggling with challenging children, especially those with Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD).
- We want parents to know there is help and that they are not alone.
- We can teach educators and therapists their part in this struggle.
- We can let more people know the symptoms so that it may be recognized and the children can get help sooner.
- You can help us make that happen!
We are sponsoring an international training
with leaders in the field!

Become More Successful With Challenging Children
If you are a Mental Health Professional and want to be more effective with challenging children especially those with Early Trauma, and/or RAD we can help!
Mental Health Professional Development